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María José Serrano
Universidad de La Laguna
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas.
Submitted: 11-04-2022 Accepted: 08-02-2023 Published: 24-08-2023
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In digital settings and, epecially in the social network, Twitter, there exists a recurring use of the independent infinitive which is employed to express states or emotions and that, in this study, is referred to as the communicative infinitive. It is posible to explain the use of the independent infinitive in Tweets as a way to defocalize the agent, and, at the same time, construct a desubjectivizing point of view of the discourse. To reach this conclusion, based on a discourse-cognitive analysis of the phenomenon that is substantiated with cognitive prominence, this study analyzed the type of verbal lexeme used to construct Tweets that contain a communicative infinitive since one considers that, in most cases, the same lexeme constucts the communicative event itself and, in this way, becomes a form of personal expresion.