Implementation of digital resources with H5P to reinforce autonomous learning in the subject phonetics of spanish
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In the field of educational innovation, current university teaching demands a dynamic quality methodology that promotes student motivation and encourages self-learning, essential aspects for improving academic performance. In this sense, teaching processes should not be limited to the mere transmission of information, but should focus on the incorporation of digital educational resources that promote interactivity in learning. This strategy is especially relevant in the teaching of subjects such as Phonetics in Humanities degrees, which have a marked multidisciplinary character as they deal with contents related to different areas of knowledge. In this context, H5P is presented as a valuable educational tool for developing Virtual Learning Objects that can have a positive impact on teaching practice due to their interactive nature.
This article describes the application of activities designed with H5P to reinforce through self-learning the contents of the subject Phonetics of Spanish, taught at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In order to evaluate whether the integration of these resources has an impact on students' academic performance, data provided by a sample of 67 students enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year were analyzed. The results indicate that the implementation of these activities not only boosts student participation in the subject, but also has a direct effect on final grades.
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