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Alba Campoy Martínez
Universidad de Alicante
María Martínez Lirola
University of South Africa (UNISA)
No 33 (2023): Educational innovation in art, science and society, Articles
Submitted: 13-01-2023 Accepted: 12-09-2023 Published: 02-10-2023
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Contemporary teaching of the English language requires the use of methodologies that not only facilitate the participation of students in the teaching-learning process, but that are also related to their everyday life and contribute to their development as a critical and committed citizen. Thus, this article presents a didactic experience in which the manga My Brother’s Husband by Gengorō Tagame (2018), is used for students to reflect on the importance of analyzing multimodal materials in the university classroom at an intercultural level, since the aforementioned title adopts different social and cultural aspects of great relevance. To achieve this, the study implemented both a qualitative and quantitative research design that included observations of the students’ interactions with the manga materials in the classroom, and the use of a rubric and a questionnaire at the end of the sessions to attain students’ opinions. The results showed that students delved into the visual grammar extracted from the manga and revealed that students are aware of the importance of intercultural competence when learning English.

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