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Juan M. Escudero Muñoz
Universidad de Murcia
No 32 (2022): Dialogando sobre as 24 propostas do MEFP para a mellora da profesión docente, Works by invitation
Submitted: 03-10-2022 Accepted: 14-10-2022 Published: 30-11-2022
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A report on teaching profession and teacher education with improvement proposals has been published by the  Spanish Ministry of Educational and Vocational Training (MEFP, 2022), putting up both of them under discussion. Thanking to this Journal for this debating initiative, his article is a contribution specifically focusing on teacher professional development.

My election is due to two main reasons. Firstly, because the in-service professional stage, what last for some decades, is the most decisive factor for teacher learning and teacher development, the most influential for student school experiences and learning outcomes, so as for institutional and system education and society. Secondly, because in recent times continuing teacher education become almost invisible found gone, out of focus although the generalized recognition of its important. Some evidence of it is the way teacher professional development is considered and tea by the official Report and also by some of the published reactions to it by different voices.

The first point of the article analyzed and valued the official approach to the issues in question, what it is said and proposed. A managerial halo, some linguistic and conceptual carelessness and criticized. The second point offers a broad characterization of teacher learning and teacher development and, finally, the third one sketch out relevant dimensions of teacher continuing education, framework and purposes, content, processes and different political and professional necessary conditions and supports.

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