The annual CESEG Security Studies Journal, entitled Gladius et Scientia, presents a multidisciplinary character that tries to embrace the multifaceted meaning of current security. With it we want to advance in the objectives declared by the CESEG, which are translated in the improvement of our democratic quality and the life in society from the scientific study and analysis. We intend to include in this magazine first-rate authors who offer their reflections on current issues, in order to contribute solutions and advance knowledge.

No 3 (2021)

A revista Gladius et Scientia. Revista de Estudios de Seguridad del CESEG publica o seu terceiro número, composto por oito artigos e tres recensións. Neste caso, trátase dun monográfico sobre manipulación informativa que aborda dende o punto de vista xurídico, histórico e filosófico, entre outros, cuestións de trascendencia nacional pero tamén internacional. 

Published: 2022-12-31

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