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Olaya Martínez Sánchez
CESUGA (Centro de Estudios Universitarios Superiores de Galicia)
Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Estudos de Lingüística Galega, Pescuda
Submitted: 07-05-2022 Accepted: 05-10-2022 Published: 27-02-2023
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The announced reform of the Asturian Statute of Autonomy has generated quite a stir due to the possible inclusion of a clause recognizing Asturian as a co-official language of the Autonomous Region. The goal of this study is to analyze the TermAst platform as a terminology compilation tool, but also as a possible tool for institutional linguistic support. A detailed analysis of its database and its management and publication protocols is conducted, based on an interview with the platform manager. The procedures for submission, assessment, review, and publication of the proposals will be presented, along with the compilations available online. Finally, the possible applications of the platform will be analyzed according to current standard language rules, along with the role Asturian speakers play in the recovery of specialty lexicons at a time when the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana is seeking to create a standard lexicon without much institutional support.

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