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Francisco A. Cidrás Escáneo
Instituto da Lingua Galega, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 1 (2009), Pescuda
Submitted: 04-11-2013 Accepted: 04-11-2013
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This paper looks at various Galician syntactic phenomena undergoing change in order to support (albeit only partially and inconclusively) a possible model to explain the direction of linguistic change in syntax. It is assumed that the nature and spread of changes involving grammatical constructions is distinct from that involving the language’s sound component. On that basis, the hypothesis adopted is that the evolution of linguistic systems, as regards their morphosyntactic makeup, is driven by a dialectical tension between the benefits of a rigorous formalisation of the grammatical code —grammaticalisation as an institutionalisation
process whereby the limitations and ambiguities inherent to the speech act can be overcome— and the advantages of a vaguer pragmatic codification that provides more versatility for modulating a text to adapt it to unstable contextual characteristics. To support this hypothesis, empirical evidence is given for ongoing phenomena of variation in Galician chiefly relating to agreement, case marking (namely the use of the preposition a with the DO and certain collateral effects on the expansion of the IO), and changes in the forms of expressions of the future.

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