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Marta Beatriz Ferrari
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
No 51 (2017): 2º semestre, Notes
Submitted: 23-03-2017 Accepted: 08-07-2017 Published: 03-10-2017
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In the present paper we intend to make an approach to the book of poems A mi madre (1863) by Galician writer Rosalía de Castro. We will pay attention mainly but not exclusively to discourse analysis from a rhetorical point of view. Our proposal is based on a wide interpretation of the notion of “rhetoric”, not only related to the aspects of elocutio and dispositio, but in an broader sense, understanding the term rhetoric as the study of the causes and processes of persuasion. In this tour we will focus on the rhetoric of funeral elegy and sepulchral poetry by analyzing its formal components -lamentatio, laudatio, consolatio- and its topics, concerning the romantic aesthetics of the nineteenth century.

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Hernández Pérez, Ricardo. 2001. Poesía latina sepulcral de la Hispania Romana: estudio de los tópicos y sus formulaciones. València: Universitat de València.

Murguía, Manuel. 1856. “Variedades”, en La Oliva. Periódico de política, literatura e intereses materiales, http://www.Users/Usuario/Downloads/1856-96.pdf [Consulta: 07/03/2017].

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