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María Jesús Lorenzo-Modia
Universidade da Coruña
No 50 (2017): 1º semestre, Notes
Submitted: 20-03-2017 Accepted: 29-05-2017 Published: 09-06-2017
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The Irish poet Medbh McGuckian is well known from the beginning of her literary career on account of her subtle images that connect nature with women and their corporeality. Whule this aspect of her poems has been studied by many critics within her cryptic texts, this essay attempts a study of her poetic universe, and especially of her recent poems, from a global perspective that analyses the body of women in relation with nature beyond a literary or aesthetic value by inscribing it within an ethical and bio-political perspective. Following James McElroy (2011: 64-5) who misses an ecocritical approach in the studies of this poet, her poetic praxis will be explored from an ecofeminist perspective, bearing in mind that both human beings and nature should coexist on an equal basis. The article includes an Appendix with an unpublished poem by McGuckian and its translation into Galician by the author of the essay.
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