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  • Álvaro Espina
Álvaro Espina
Vol 18 No 1-2 (2011): International Tribute to Esperanza Guisán (Volume II), Sección Monográfica: Homenaje a Esperanza Guisán 2010-2012 (Parte 2), pages 247-281
Submitted: 10-02-2013 Accepted: 06-11-2013 Published: 06-11-2013
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The revolution in the Arab world is examined in this article in the light of the intellectual construction of S. N. Eisenstadt about the breakdown of the axial age and the paradigm of the “evolutionary analysis of civilizations,” which includes Islam among axial civilizations and accommodates multiple forms of modernity. From this perspective the great revolutions are the translation of regaining control of the world of values ??which govern the organization of social life by the forces and ideologies worldly and earthly in the “axial civilizations” –defined by Karl Jaspers as those cultures in which traditional societies placed their shared values ??in a otherworldly transcendental space– starting the evolution to a “civil status” and a secularized society.


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