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Francisco Vázquez García
Universidad de Cádiz
Vol 25 No 1-2 (2023): Número extraordinario correspondiente a los años 2021-2023, Artículos por invitación, pages 1-8
Submitted: 17-09-2023 Accepted: 17-09-2023 Published: 17-10-2023
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This paper is an update of the contextualization and presentation of the arguments in favor of the decriminalization of sodomy exposed by Bentham in various writings, mostly unpublished. First, and following the publication of the recent study by Charles Upchurch, the need to review the historiography on Bentham's relationship with the decriminalization of homosexual relations is pointed out. Second, it contextualizes his written output on the issue. Finally, the arguments used by the philosopher are analyzed, emphasizing their utilitarian character.