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Anselmo Carvalho de Oliveira
NEAD-Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
Vol 24 No 1-2 (2020): Nº doble correspondiente al año 2020, Articles, pages 1-11
Submitted: 25-07-2020 Accepted: 28-10-2020 Published: 06-09-2022
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This article discusses the moral fanatic from the perspective of universal prescriptivism. (I) I discuss the thesis of universalizability and prescriptivity, and this from universal prescriptivism to utilitarianism. (II) I discuss the problem of moral fanatic and counterargument developed by Hare in the book Freedom and Reason. (III) I discuss the counterargument developed by Hare in Moral Thinking. (IV) I discuss the limits of the arguments of the fanatic. (V) I conclude that the counterargument of fanatic moral does not imply a contradiction in universal prescriptivism.