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Jordi Riba
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Laboratoire d'études et de recherches "Logiques contemporaines de la philosophie" Université Paris8
Vol 19 No 1-2 (2012), Utilitarismo clásico, pages 9-24
Submitted: 08-12-2012 Accepted: 14-09-2013 Published: 01-03-2014
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This paper investigates the rare presence of utilitarianism in nineteenth-century France identifying the possible causes of this absence and its reception that led to a naturalization own. It is therefore, interesting to see how from certain argumentative formations due to the writings of John Stuart Mill, authors such as Jean-Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil, and especially Jean-Marie Guyau developed an important philosophical body and near to the one Stuart Mill had done.


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