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Grial Leira Landeira
Colaborador Externo en el Grupo de Estudios Territoriales (GET), Facultad de Sociología, Universidade da Coruña
Vol 21 No 2 (2017), Notas, pages 101-117
Submitted: 01-03-2018 Accepted: 01-03-2018 Published: 05-03-2018
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In this work, Bauman analyses the different tendencies to reflect back stages from the past that he observes in present-day society which, in his view, imply a setback in social progress. Nevertheless, conceptualizing retrotopia as a negation of the negation of utopia, he does not analyse them as if they were irreversible. This way, the target of a better world continues being something feasible, in spite of the many adversities to achieve this goal and the failure of other previous aspirations or utopias which have been paralysed and even show regression. Then, on a critical note, with a condemning tone towards some government actions, the author analyses the reasons than have taken the human kind to the current situation, as well as the way to revert the steps back that have already been taken. Likewise, he points out the fact that in this globalized world a cosmopolitan awareness has not been developed yet. He shows his doubts about the possibility of achieving a cosmopolitanly integrated human kind, though he suggests that this goal must be achieved to secure the future of human beings and considers the culture of dialogue as an essential element to reach integration at a global level.


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