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José Manuel Costa-García
GIR Hesperia, Dpto. Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Víctor Vicente García
USC, Tempos Arqueólogos SL
Francisco Alonso Toucido
Sección Municipal de Arqueoloxía, Concello de Santiago de Compostela
João Fonte
Department of Archaeology and History, University of Exeter
Carlos Otero Vilariño
Incipit CSIC
Sara Díaz Jiménez
Tempos Arqueólogos SL
No 34 (2022): Espazos, Dossier
Submitted: 13-11-2022 Accepted: 18-01-2023 Published: 08-03-2023
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This paper presents the preliminary results of the archaeological intervention carried out at Castelo del Faro in 2022, a site located on the highest mountain range of the province of Pontevedra (1148 m a.s.l.). The most recognisable archaeological features are the remains of some defensive structures delimiting a wide, oval-shaped enclosure. Its dating is strongly conditioned by the scarcity of material evidence that can be recovered in shallow, mountainous soils. This fact makes it necessary to develop methodologies combining different techniques and tools to optimise gathering relevant archaeological information. Within the framework of this project, the potential and limitations of several remote sensing and geophysical survey methods were explored together with more conventional approaches in the discipline, such as artefactual and metal-detecting surveys, the excavation of test trenches or the collection of samples for absolute dating (14C and OSL). The site's correct chrono-functional ascription is relevant to advancing our knowledge of the articulation of the Galician upland archaeological landscapes

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