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Rosa Romero Franco
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Manuel A. Rodríguez Guitián
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Ángela Resúa
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 9 (2013), Original articles
Submitted: 06-02-2014 Accepted: 06-02-2014
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We present the results of an ethnobotanical study focused on plant-used in human and veterinary medicine in the Municipality of Triacastela, Lugo (Galicia, NW Spain). A total of 58 taxa of vascular plants and one mushroom were collected. Most of the species recorded are used exclusively in humans while only 5% are recommended for animals. In both cases, preparations for internal use predominate over those for external use. The most common ailments treated with herbal medicinal preparations were related to the digestive system, the respiratory system and the healing of blows and bruises. Considering the studied area in the Iberian context, the most significant contributions of this study concern 11 new applications reported for human medicine and 3 for veterinary purposes, as well as the first record of Allium ursinum L. as medicinal plant for humans in the Iberian Peninsula.
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