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María de los Ángeles Abelleira Bardanca
Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Didáctica, currículo y derechos de la infancia : número homenaje a Miguel Ángel Zabalza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 99-117
Submitted: 30-04-2020 Accepted: 22-05-2020 Published: 24-09-2020
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Diversity, autonomy, values, coordination, emotions, inclusion, are terms so used in the pedagogical and didactic literature that they have been totally perverted, for this reason, in this article we want to return to the origins renaming those fundamental axes of the school, accompanying them with redundant adjectives that help to remember, its true meaning. Proximity teaching or proximity nursery schools is a good example of the above; it would not be necessary to add “proximity” if it were not for the current situation in which they are as distanced (pedagogical, curricular, human, social, historical and ethically) from the interests of the students, as from a society committed to democracy , with justice and with the future.

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