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Rossella D’Ugo
Università di Urbino Carlo Bo
Vol 6 No 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Experiencias, pages 125-140
Submitted: 12-03-2018 Accepted: 12-03-2018 Published: 14-03-2018
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This article presents a scale for observing and monitoring educational practices related with the effective lessons (PraDILE, in italian Prassi Didattiche per la Lezione Efficace: educational practices for effective lesson). The tool was developed as part of a training program for teachers of Schools of all levels in the Bologna region who were designated as tutors for the new teachers (during their trial year). Senior teachers were called to activate processes of peer tutoring among new teachers in order to analyze and reflect on their teaching actions. The instrument is based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions identified by Antonio Calvani in his book of 2014: Come fare una lezione efficace, Rome, Carocci Faber.

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