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Javier Jiménez-Leciñena
Universidad de Murcia
No 23 (2024), Articles
Submitted: 06-09-2023 Accepted: 17-04-2024 Published: 25-11-2024
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This article aims to analyse photography as a site of political resistance and affectivity for queer people, focusing specifically on photobooth photography. For this purpose, a photograph from 1953 has been chosen to analyse several issues. Firstly, the potential for spatial subversion made possible by the photo booth, as a semi-private and intimate space in public space, which allowed a momentary refuge for queer couples who could not exhibit their love publicly. Secondly, the possibility of having one's photograph taken and leaving a record of this proscribed relationship will also be one of the potencies of this space, thereby exploring the special affective relationship of the photographic medium with queer lives. It will therefore be argued that it is the indexical character of the photograph that makes it eminently attractive when it comes not only to attesting to the existence of the couple, but also to constructing it materially and symbolically. In short, everything will revolve around the exploration of queer photography as a habitable spatiality in itself; thus starting from a dialogue from the present with the past, in a consciously transtemporal and politically useful connection.
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