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Quim Casas Moliner
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Vol 14 No 14 (2015), Subject: The colours of fear: art, war and terror
Submitted: 20-12-2016 Accepted: 20-12-2016 Published: 21-12-2016
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One of the most prolific of genres during the golden age of classic American cinema, the war film has suffered the same fate as those other key genres: the western and the musical. Shifting fashions, the absence of a handover from one generation of filmmakers to the next and changing habits in the industry and among audiences have seen it reduced to a virtual irrelevance. At a time when so many armed conflicts are being fought around the world, and in an era when institutionalised violence has become globalised, it is something of a paradox that the war film, which seeks truth through bodies and spaces, should become a genre seen only intermittently when it ought to be reflecting reality.
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