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Alexandre Veiga
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: El verbo en las lenguas románicas / Coord.: Susana Azpiazu, Universidad de Salamanca
Submitted: 22-12-2023 Accepted: 24-09-2024 Published: 16-10-2024
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A peculiar use of verbal forms ending in –ría, specifically found in Spanish-language media is the so-called “rumor” or “journalistic” conditional. In this particular case, the temporal relationships that are expressed by the simple and compound forms correspond to those of verbal elements whose meaning is functionally unreal in the structure of the system. However, currently, there exist numerous affirmations which maintain that this verbal use should be explained by not starting (or by not only starting) at its modal consideration, but (also) from a notion of an explicitly evidential base, i.e., mainly from the transmission of content coming from an external source. This article directly addresses the problem of the grammatical explanation of this particular verbal use by reviewing an ample evidence that confirms its recognition as a manifestation of a grammatical value that is functionally unreal and dissociated from the implication or non-implication of an informative source.