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Juan Saúl Salomón Plata
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol 29 (2023), Monográfico: Las nuevas voces de ayer y hoy. Treinta años del DVUA
Submitted: 30-11-2022 Accepted: 16-10-2023 Published: 17-01-2024
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In this study, attention is given, firstly, to the theoretical criteria advocated by the most recent research to admit or sanction the entry of a neologism into the lexicographical repertories of the Spanish language. In this sense, the study by Bernal, Freixa and Torner (2020) offers a state of the art regarding the dictionariability of new creations taking into account the factor of frequency, semantics and formal, as well as a wide-ranging practical application, whose contributions are analyzed and commented on in the theoretical section. These concepts are supplemented, secondly, by the practical application of the three criteria to the words that are inside and outside the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, i. e. both to the neologisms that have been incorporated into the Diccionario de la Lengua Española (DLE) in the December 2021 update and to the lexical creations that make up the Observatorio de Palabras of institution. The aim is to reflect in practice on the academic decision that guides the acceptance or rejection of new voices in the configuration of the philological reference instrument based on the theoretical criteria mentioned (frequency, formal and semantic) and, therefore, on the most current and burning neology of our time.