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Carmen Luna Sellés
Universidade de Vigo
Vol 28 (2022), Monográfico: Últimos avances en el estudio del retrato literario / Coordinadora: Amparo de Juan Bolufer (U. Santiago de Compostela).
Submitted: 10-05-2022 Accepted: 13-03-2023 Published: 22-03-2023
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Different characterisations of men and women in Mi viaje a la URSS, by Uruguayan communist and pedagogue author Jesualdo Sosa, will be hereby analysed from a hermeneutical and sociological approach. This book was published in 1952 by the publishing house of the PCU, the Uruguayan Communist Party, and based on a trip funded by the Soviet VOKS during a time of strong ideological polarisation between the two superpowers and PCU’s obedience to Soviet slogans is reflected in the physical and moral characterisation of Soviet men and women done by Sosa. These, as we shall see, respond to the homo sovieticus myth of the Stalinist imaginary.