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Mario Salvatore Corveddu
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Vol 27 (2021), Articles
Submitted: 16-11-2021 Accepted: 09-03-2022 Published: 06-10-2022
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Slavery in Cuba covers four centuries of history, during which has marked the sociocultural dynamics of the last Spanish colony in America. The implantation of a slave model that as from the XVIII century strays from the continental one will enrich the language with a peculiar lexicon whose Pichardo's dictionary represent a valuable documentation. This article analyzes the ideological marks in the treatment of the entries related to slavery in the Diccionario provincial casi razonado de vozes y frases cubanas. Starting with an introduction of the ideology phenomenon in Cuban lexicography and a presentation of the terms identified as Cuban lexicon of slavery, we will investigate the ideological content in a significant sample of entries, focusing on the ways in which ideology manifests itself. Finally, the diachronic perspective of the study will allow us to observe the evolution of the ideological content in the four editions of the dictionary, with the aim of reconstructing the social perception of slavery in the decades preceding its abolition.