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Enrique Serrano Asenjo
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol 28 (2022), Monográfico: Últimos avances en el estudio del retrato literario / Coordinadora: Amparo de Juan Bolufer (U. Santiago de Compostela).
Submitted: 06-05-2021 Accepted: 08-02-2023 Published: 16-03-2023
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The article analyses Benjamín Jarnés’ book Stefan Zweig, cumbre apagada (1942), in which the author reflects, in a dialogue format, about the life and works of the Austrian writer. The book, a hybrid between an essay, biography and portrait; offers a view of the character full of details and nuances, reservations and discrepancies, in other words: the hesitations that storm him when he writes and that can be appreciated in Zweig, to create a profile that is different from other previous images of the same individual. All in all, the book is closely tied with Jarnés’ perception of the biographic genre and his own era.