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Josefa Fernández Zambudio
Vol 26 (2020), Articles, pages 415-428
Submitted: 14-09-2020 Published: 30-06-2021
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We study how Claribel Alegría explores pain and absence through the Greco-Latin myths that she rewrites in Saudade (1999), the first collection of poems that she published after losing her husband. The analysis of his verses will help us to understand how the elegiac tone is specified in the reception of the chosen myths, which allows a specific approach to the topics of loss and death. The representation of the flight and the fall, of the ascent and the descent into hell, and of pain, through infernal punishments complete our study. In addition, the relationships with the rest of his poetry establish the impact of these themes. The relevance of myth in the author's work and the lack of previous approaches to this issue justify our contribution.

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