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  • Dolores Thion
Dolores Thion
Vol 26 (2020), Monográfico. Benito Pérez Galdós (Ermitas Penas, coord.), pages 101-122
Submitted: 11-06-2020 Accepted: 28-07-2020 Published: 30-06-2021
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This study aims to provide a global and panoramic view of the two trips that Benito Pérez Galdós made to Paris between 1900 and 1901. These trips were real literary campaigns in which the writer had to act as a literary agent, a profession that began to consolidate then. Thanks to the intervention of numerous personalities, in particular Fernando León y Castillo and Adolfo Calzado, among others, Don Benito managed, not without saving many difficulties, to internationalise his prose work (Misericordia, Gloria,..) and some of his dramas. In this sense, Electra was the work that allowed him to grow up and save the borders of the Pyrenees.


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