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Héctor Acebo Bello
Universidad Privada del Valle
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Vol 24 (2018), Articles, pages 253-281
Submitted: 04-06-2018 Accepted: 22-05-2019 Published: 24-05-2019
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The metaphor (a trope or a semantic resource that establishes a similarity between two elements, one real and the other imaginary) is a fundamental expression tool of Antonio Martínez Sarrión, poet born in Albacete and a prominent member of the neo-avant-garde generation of the Novísimos. Martínez Sarrión uses the two existing modalities in metaphor: the daily one (whose bases are in experience) and the poetic one (which belongs to the creative sphere). While daily metaphors have an instrumental character, operating within the lyrical device, they convey ?as poetic metaphors also do? aesthetic values and, therefore, indubitable doses of ambiguity. As revealed by the Russian formalist Jakobson, in the poetic function the message is oriented towards itself, which results in multiple meaning. So, many Sarrión’s metaphors visibly point to several denotations, besides expressing some connotation. The ambiguity is also evident when Martínez Sarrión formulates some of the elements of these tropes tacitly or vaguely, or when the corresponding statement lacks punctuation (total or partial).
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Lázaro Carreter, F. (1982): “Comunicación y lenguaje poéticos”. En Boletín Informativo de la Fundación Juan March, nº 114, abril. Madrid: Fundación Juan March, 33-38.

Martínez Sarrión, A. (1981): El centro inaccesible. Madrid: Hiperión.

Paz, O. (2010): El arco y la lira. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Polo López, M. (1995): Cuarteto y fuga para un espacio desierto. Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi.

Prieto de Paula, Á. L. (2003): “Introducción”. En A. Martínez Sarrión: Última fe. Madrid, Cátedra, 13-120.

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