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Lieve Behiels
KU Leuven
Vol 22 (2016), Especial: Cuaderno galdosiano I
Submitted: 30-11-2016 Accepted: 04-07-2017 Published: 10-07-2017
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In this contribution we propose to compare the views of two authors on the Byronic hero: Emilio Castelar and Benito Pérez Galdós. In 1873, Castelar published his Life of Lord Byron, while Galdós published the ‘episodio nacional’ Cádiz in 1874. First, we offer pertinent data about the relationship between these two authors; next, we analyze the biography of the English poet by Castelar and its reception, and then, we study the presence of the Byronic hero in Cádiz. This comparative analysis will allow us to answer the question whether the ‘episodio nacional’ can be read as a reply to Castelar’s book.
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