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Elsa María Paredes Bertagnolli
Università degli Studi di Trento
Vol 22 (2016), Articles
Submitted: 13-11-2016 Accepted: 23-01-2017 Published: 10-07-2017
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This article sets out to provide a reading of the creative processes, symbology and some images that are found in the base of Interior con figuras (1976) by the poet, José Ángel Valente; at the same time as it reveals the metamorphic and hybrid nature of a “threshold” poem in which the transition from a “valentiana” poetry to a style of writing that is more rarefied, philosophical and of initiation is achieved. In seeking to better describe the innovative elements used by Valente, this essay makes use of the evocative images of the Grimm brothers’ «Frau Holle» story. They, in turn, are able to offer powerful metaphors of the afterlife, the transformation of the subject and the encounter with the Other.
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