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Hassan Moustir
Université Mohammed V Agdal - Rabat
Vol 20 (2014), Especial: Artes y letras en Marruecos / Fatiha Benlabbah (coord.), pages 105-116
Submitted: 05-02-2016 Accepted: 05-02-2016
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We seek to subject two quite representative texts of writing about what is real in present-day Morocco — namely La porte de la chance de Bouignane (2006) and La maison de Cicine by Nedali (2010)— to the following questions that will guide our reading: How is a social universe constructed in these texts? According to what modalities does realness emerge in the story? Two major aspects are hidden in these questions: on the one hand, the narrative structure which emerges from an intentional writing process that rests on the two major pillars that are time and space; and on the other, style and the level of modeling of the narrated material. In the fictional world, it is truly on this last level where “autonomy” is recognized or not.
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