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Carlos Rosales López
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
No 24 (2014): Topics: "School mediation" and "Rural school", Articles
Submitted: 04-07-2014 Accepted: 05-11-2014 Published: 30-12-2014
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The main objective of this paper is to highlight how the different contexts in which the six to twelve years child's life develops (family, school and immediate community) can contribute to health education and specifically to the child´s acquisition of healthy lifestyles.

The second objective is to sensitize future teachers (primary school teachers in the second year of training), about importance of health education and increase their knowledge about the lifestyles of their future students, as well as about the forms of intervention school in this regard, in collaboration with families and the community.

To achieve these two objectives, the conceptual foundation has been upgraded in the first part of the work and an empirical approach has been made in the second part, by collecting data on the lifestyles of ten children six to twelve years and the reflection, in the context of interactive lessons on their characteristics and the intervention of various educational agents.

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