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Anna Díaz-Vicario
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Joaquín Gairín Sallán
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
No 31 (2021): Health literacy at school and in the community, Works by invitation
Submitted: 29-07-2021 Accepted: 06-10-2021 Published: 02-12-2021
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As the WHO and UNESCO (2021) remind us, education and health are fundamental and essential human rights that, together with the need for security and protection, guarantee economic and social development. The foundation of safe and healthy educational institutions, as spaces where safe and health are promoted and protected, is an issue that no one disputes since schools play a fundamental role in developing life skills. Now more than ever, and as the situation generated by the COVID19 virus has shown, schools must contribute to well-being in a safe and healthy learning environment for all members of the educational community. Create and manage safe and healthy schools requires developing mechanisms and resources and involve management teams and teachers. Those are only possible if all the actors involved have the necessary training and tools to do so. This contribution analyses, in this context, the importance of train non-university teachers, mainly of childhood and primary education, to achieve their health and safety literacy, proposing a decalogue of competencies and indicators/standards of action for the management of safe and healthy schools.