Flipping the math classroom in the last courses of compulsory education through enriched videos
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One of the main challenges for teachers is to motivate students and seek methodologies that facilitate the teaching-learning process. The growth of technology and its use in the classroom has allowed the evolution of methodologies. This study presents the use of EdPuzzle as a tool to work mathematics following the flipped classroom model. In order to measure the results, a pre-test has been carried out and the mark obtained in the first quarter evaluation exam has been taken, as a post-test. To carry out this measurement, we have considered two groups in the third year, and another two in the fourth, of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), defined from the use they have had of the videos. Despite the fact that, initially, the two third-year groups were homogeneous, in terms of previous knowledge, and the fourth-year groups were also homogeneous in the same terms, the comparison of the medians of the grades obtained by both groups shows that these are, in general terms, higher in the groups that have taken advantage of the videos than in those that have not taken advantage of them, which contributes to consider the use of EdPuzzle as a very good tool to reverse the class. Lastly, student satisfaction with respect to its use has shown to be very high, and this aspect also contributes to consider EdPuzzle as a tool to be taken into account in the mathematics classroom.
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