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Isabel María Sánchez Andújar
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
No 33 (2023): Educational innovation in art, science and society, Articles
Submitted: 28-05-2023 Accepted: 14-09-2023 Published: 02-10-2023
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This paper is about an educational experience carried out in the subject Introducción a la Historia from the degree of History and Science of Music in the University of Granada. The experience consisted in a project in which students had to enquire into some historical aspects of the Antiquity or Medieval times by the study of historical sources of the chosen period and then materialise their research in an original work of literary, artistic or musical nature. The purpose of this experience has been, on the one hand, to introduce creative teaching in the education of History, proposing an interdisciplinary research project based on project-based learning and active and autonomous learning, which encourage students to create and transmit their own knowledge. And, on the other hand, connecting the historical research with the students’ personal experiences and interests, in this case, their artistic and musical formation. The results were very positive. Students were motivated during the project and they improved their skills in historical thinking with the study of historical sources. In order to create the original work, they connected their research with their experiences and interests as well as with other fields. Moreover, they explored other ways of personal expression.