An innovative project to bring superior education students closer to the reality of the workplace
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A major problem in current Spanish Information Technology Vocational Education and Training (IT-VET) curricula is bridging the gap between skills that students learn in the classroom and skills they will need in real workplaces. IT-VET students graduate with a high level of basic theoretical and Practical knowledge, however they often lack the necessary expertise to be involved in a real IT project. In this article we propose a solution to mitigate this problem, based on the design and implementation of a masterclass in agile project management in which the theoretical-Practical contents are shown as well as their implementation in a real environment through a final project. In this manner, students are aware of their most immediate working reality and obtain the necessary skills for the prototyping and development of software in any IT project. The results of this proposal show that IT-VET students satisfactorily acquire the knowledge imparted through this proposal, finding themselves closer to their most immediate working reality.
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