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Dolors Juvinyà-Canal
Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Girona
No 31 (2021): Health literacy at school and in the community, Works by invitation
Submitted: 21-09-2021 Accepted: 06-10-2021 Published: 02-12-2021
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The article addresses health literacy in the community. Firstly, it clarifies that health is understood as a right of all human beings and has to be sustained by society. It introduces health promotion as an approach taking into account that it is defined as a process that allows people to increase control over their health and the importance of health literacy as one of the basic pillars.

It develops the concept of health literacy from multiple definitions, some are reviewed for their significance and three key elements are collected from the analysis of most of the definitions. The concept is recognized as multidimensional, complex, and heterogeneous. Knowledge on the subject is collected from the studies carried out.

Some of the instruments for measuring health literacy are presented.

Due to its relevance in the European context, Sorensen's model and its development are presented in the European Health Literacy Survey questionnaire that allowed us to know the level of health literacy in eight European countries.

Finally, healthy environments are introduced as a strategy to facilitate health literacy for people in the community and the most relevant aspects of each of them are discussed.