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Joan Mallart Navarra
Universidad de Barcelona
No 30 (2020): Cross-curricular learning, Works by invitation, pages 21-39
Submitted: 16-09-2020 Accepted: 20-09-2020 Published: 19-10-2020
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This article presents the transversality of the learning of communicative competences in areas that are not strictly linguistic, such as reading comprehension in the resolution of mathematical or scientific problems, the elaboration of summaries and concept maps in study and learning techniques in the natural sciences and social studies, or the realization of oral discussions in the social sciences or civics. The main idea is that communicative competences are practiced with all type of subjects. Almost all the contents and competences that constitute the field of languages can be learned and improved: vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, study techniques and oral and written expression skills. Even in combination with other non-verbal and graphic languages.

It is proposed to combine the specific disciplinary contents of any area with those of the language used and the underlying popular culture. A set of thematic possibilities and didactic activities is presented, showing the potential of this transversal approach. On the one hand, media such as the press, radio, television and new technologies will be used critically as sources of information. It is also suggested to take into account transversally literary genres such as theater, narration, poetry and song to contribute to the aesthetic formation.

The content of the article is aimed at all stages of education, but if there were one that should be highlighted it would be Secondary Education because of the maturity of the students which allows them to read and comment on more complex texts, extensive works, watch films with a more defined message and write texts that come from collaborative work or extensive oral discussion among them. In the early stages, almost all learning is based on comprehensive, expressive and creative language.

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