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Fernando Andrés Rubia
FEAE Aragón
No 28 (2018): In the centenary of the Institute-School creation: past, present and future of the integrated public schools of compulsory primary and secondary education, Works by invitation, pages 77-91
Submitted: 24-09-2018 Accepted: 09-10-2018 Published: 15-11-2018
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During the academic year 2017-2018, for the first time in Aragon there was created two new Schools which combined Primary and Secondary education.  These schools are called Integrated Centres because they are expansions of pre-schools and primary schools. The administration is committed to transform some of the existing centres and is planning to create new centers with these features. The reasons behind this, is a response to the lack of Secondary School places in some neighbourhoods and outskirts areas. We celebrate the centenary of the first Primary School-High School recognising their innovative educational contributions, especially their integrated approach to transition between different stages. In the coming years, the department of Education, Culture and Sports of Aragon Government is planning to create up to 18 centers. It also developing a specific policy to address the new structure and organisation of these Integrated Centres. In this article, we aim to analyse the response of the different sectors in the education community, highlighting the support and the barriers arised when implementing an Integrated School.

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