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Fernando Fraga-Varela
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Almudena Alonso-Ferreiro
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 27 (2017): Conflict and coexistence in School, Articles, pages 285-301
Submitted: 26-09-2017 Accepted: 20-11-2017 Published: 29-11-2017
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The research results on the teacher’s perceptions about Project School 2.0 in Galicia are here presented. It has been taken into consideration Primary and Secondary school teachers who have taken part in projects from this region and derive from the establishment of the 1 to 1: Abalar and E-DIXGAL policies. The objective was to take into account teachers’ opinions and points of view about the educational policies directed to the incorporation of ICT in this Community, in the frame of the two indicated projects, a field that until now hasn’t been a subject to study in Galicia. A collected data survey of the teachers was used as an instrument based on the national designed project: TICSE 2.0. The data obtained was analysed with the software SPSS Statistics, basing the analysis on the descriptive statistics and the distribution of frequencies.

The results show a favourable opinion towards the implementation of the models 1 to 1 in educative centres; however, they do reflect a substantial grade of rejection to the current educational policies and reveal difficulties derived mainly from the lack of information and teachers training.

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