No 21 (2011): Inclusive education, Experiencias innovadoras
Submitted: 25-04-2012
Accepted: 25-04-2012
Published: 30-04-2012
The integration of the Spanish university system in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) demands a series of concrete proposals. As we advance towards the implementation of the process of Bologna It is necessary to contemplate to a new paradigm of teaching/learning. The use of the WebQuest in the university scope constitutes a didactic resource that not only is the keeping the theory of the constructivism but also with the process of European convergence. The WebQuest is a type of didactic activity based on group work through projects and research. In this article we present the challenges that the professors of Languages for Specific Purposes as well as a theoretical reflection on this didactic resource, and its application to the curriculum of English to the students of mining engineering at Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
curriculum design, English for specific purposes, constructivism, ICT, WebQuest