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Jorge García Marín
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
No 26 (2016): Gender and education: women`s education, the long way to equality, Works by invitation
Submitted: 10-10-2016 Accepted: 19-10-2016 Published: 14-11-2016
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Throughout last years there have been analyzed different cultural postmodern manifestations (Disney, Hollywood, the video game GTA, or the advertising of the big brands would be an example of this) that reproduce classic identities of kind linked to a patriarchal conception in our advanced companies, and more in I make concrete to the concept of hegemonic masculinity as Connell defines it (2005).

The element to analyzing in this case, is the musical British group One Direction, across the letters of the songs of his 5 published discs, letters that reinforce the hegemonic masculinity and the sexist, like that stereotypes as diverse myths based on the masculine domination as the romantic love. Let's remember that the majority public and whom the majority of the songs are directed they are teen girls.

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