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Gonzalo Vázquez Gómez
Profesor Emérito Universidad Complutense de Madrid
No 34 (2024): 50 Aniversario dos Estudos de Pedagoxía en Galicia (1974-2024), Works by invitation
Submitted: 02-10-2024 Accepted: 02-10-2024 Published: 29-11-2024
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This work aims to cover two needs: on the one hand, and from an inevitably biased personal memory, to give an account of the situation of pedagogical studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) half a century ago; on the other hand, identify the main present problems of Pedagogy as a science and discipline and its institutional organization. The development of the first part revolves around the memory of a situation of lack and conflict although accompanied, at the same time, by an effective optimizing intentionality. The most significant high reliefs from this perspective are resources, adaptation, intentionality and optimization. In the second part, some problems, dysfunctions and scientific, technological and practical demands of Pedagogy in the university institution are examined. It is concluded that Pedagogy, as a technological theory al the service of human condition, must be rooted in the Humanities, Science and Technology.