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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor.
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
  • If you are applying to a section of the journal which is reviewed by pairs, you should make sure that the instructions in Guaranteeing a blind review are followed.
  • If the paper contains any kind of material whose reproduction requires for permission, please indicate this circumstance (using Comments to the editor). Authors are responsible for respecting intellectual property when they reproduce materials as part of their works and must send the corresponding permissions to the journal.
    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.
  • The DOI has been added in the references of the cired works in the cases in chich the DOI exists.

1.  The works must be unpublished and not have been approved to be published in any other entity. It is assumed that all authors are in conformity with the text to be submitted for possible publication.

2.  The top length shall be 20 pages, double spaced in size 12 Times New Roman font (approximately 7000 words, including graphics, footnotes, tables, bibliography, and appendices if it comes to it). Originals in Spanish, Galician and Portuguese will be accepted.

3.  The first page should include the title of the paper (in the language of the paper and also in English), name and surname of the author or authors followed by the name of the work center, as well as the e-mail of at least the principal author. It will follow a summary in the language of the article (with a maximum of 300 words) and in English. Finally, between 3 and 5 keywords significant of the content of the article must be pointed, written in the same language of the article and in English. 
In multiple authorship works, the responsible author must be identified, who will also be the contact author. It is the responsibility of the responsible author to ensure recognition of all authors who share responsibility for the work and to ensure that they all know and approved the final version of the document.
The names of the authors must appear in alphabetical order by the first surname in case they all contributed in the same way in the work. If the contribution of each author is different, it is recommended to include it in a note using the CRediT terminology (https://casrai.org/credit/).

4.  A brief curriculum vitae of the author/s must be sent in a separate report, recording the next data: mailing address, work place (clarifying the meaning of the acronyms if it comes to it), professional dedication and guidelines of research.

5.  In the case of the illustrations (as well as being integrated into their correspondent place in the text), should be sent separately the digital image file (in JPG format preferably), with a minimum resolution of 200 dots per inch (DPI). The source of the illustrations must appear in all cases or, in another case, explain if they have been made by the author.

6. All the references cited have to appear at the end of the article in alphabetical order, following the APA style 7th edition (https://apastyle.apa.org/products/publication-manual-7th-edition). It is mandatory for authors to include the DOI of the works cited (obviously, just in case the work has a DOI), incorporating it as a link (URL). Visiting the Link References service the DOI of the cited works can be located.

Examples of references (the first work includes its correspondent DOI, the rest do not posses):

  • Astin, A. W., Astin, H. S. & Lindholm, J. H. (2011). Assessing Students' Spiritual and Religious Qualities. Journal of College Student Development, 52(1), 39-61. https://doi.org/10.1353/csd.2011.0009 
  • Elliot, J. (1990). La investigación-acción en educación. Morata.
  • Hoyle, E. (1985). Teachers Social Background. In T. Husen & T. N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (pp. 5073-5084). Pergamon Press.
  • UNESCO (1995). Cambio y desarrollo en la educación superior. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0009/000989/098992s.pdf 

7.  The Editorial Board will acknowledge receipt and study the manuscripts received (in a fifty-day period, approximately), in order to confirm that they fulfill the formal and thematic guidelines provided to the authors. If it comes to it, the Editorial Board will suggest some corrections or reject totally the paper.

8.  Next, each original that pass the previous filter will be subjected to a double external anonymous process of evaluation (type “double-blind”, hiding the identity of authors and reviewers), by experts on the subject, appointed by the Editorial Board according to their research career. In case of two conflicting assessments, it will be requested a third reviewer, under the same conditions.

9.  All assessment reports (keeping the anonymity) will be sent to the authors who, in case of acceptance of the article, should take into account the possible suggestions, proposals for improvement, doubts, etc. Then, they should send again the paper with the appropriate changes. The process of review is repeated once more (keeping the anonymity), and if the second assessment of the reviewers is also favorable, it is highly probable that the article is definitely accepted for publication.

10. Innovación Educativa publishes an annual issue in November-December. The manuscripts must be sent for assessment before June, 15th. The journal usually send the results of the external assessment before the end of November, while the authors must make the possible corrections of the papers accepted in a period not exceeding 10 days since the reception of the assessment reports. The Editorial Board normally informs the final acceptance within a period of 7 days. Since that moment, the time until publishing an article will be devoted to the process of layout and proof-reading, and the authors will have at their disposal approximately one week for proof-reading, not being allowed the introduction of substantial changes in the text (like adding new paragraphs or removing others, altering significantly the structure of the article, etc.).