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María del Carmen Cabeza Pereiro
Universidade de Vigo
Francisco Eijo Santos
Universidade de Vigo / Asociación de Sordos de Vigo
Vol 10 (2018), Pescuda, pages 27-39
Submitted: 05-10-2017 Accepted: 14-04-2018 Published: 01-08-2018
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The purpose of this article is to present the situation of sign languages in the context of Spanish language policy, both at the state level and at the autonomous comunities level. The state and regional legislation that regulates to some extent the use of these languages is reviewed. The normative development of sign languages (SL) faces two challenges in Spain: one has to do with the incorrect belief that SLs are adaptations to facilitate accessibility for the Deaf, rather than natural languages used in a specific social and cultural context. The second challenge arises from the territorial conception of linguistic rights. Only Catalan Sign Language and Spanish Sign Language are recognized in the higher-level normative text, the first in Catalonia and the second in the rest of the state, while the Autonomous Communities have authority to recognize sign languag- es of their own territories. In the Galician case, an in- terview with the President of the Federation of Galician Deaf People has led us to conclude that recognition of a Galician Sign Language is not a priority for this repre- sentative body.

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