A note on word repetition in Galician
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Based on the examination of about a hundred examples of word repetition in Galician expressions, seven main functions of such repetitions were discerned in the corpus: first, repetition is used to answer in the affirmative or negative as in Latin; secondly, to indicate that a word is being used in a narrow sense rather than figuratively; thirdly to retort, with or without irony; fourthly, as a means of intensifying or emphasizing; fifthly, to express verbal aspect (durative action); sixthly, to express verbal aspect (repeated action).Lastly, a use of repetition as a mark of a youthful age group was detected. Repetition is used to step up the pace of discourse. Repetition occurs mainly in oral and informal texts, but is not exclusive to that level and register as it also constitutes a basic part of certain poetical usages.
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