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Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo
Instituto da Lingua Galega, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 1 (2009), Peneira
Submitted: 05-11-2013
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In the first part of this article I will address general questions regarding the linguistic standardization of personal names, given their significance in terms of the lexicon. In addition, criteria regulating their legal use and modification will be considered. In the second part, these issues are examined in terms of the names Anxelo/Anxela, and the different forms that they have generated over time. Their history in Galicia is reviewed, from their emergence during the seventeenth century, the existence of authentic Galician forms and the tendency to Castilianise them in official written uses, to their rapid consolidation and the emergence of new forms during the twentieth century. The historical data employed in this article are sourced mainly from the land registries (catastros) of Ensenada for the eighteenth century, and from the 2002 census of the Statistical National Institute (INE-Madrid) for the twentieth century. Finally, the standard forms are propounded by drawing upon the different forms which occurred in the several sources.

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Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel (2007a): “A escolla dos nomes en Galicia a finais do século XX”, en Luz Méndez / Gonzalo Navaza (eds.), “Actas do I Congreso Internacional de Onomástica “Frei Martín Sarmiento”. Santiago de Compostela, 2, 3 e 4 de setembro de 2002”. Santiago de Compostela: Asociación Galega de Onomástica / Instituto da Lingua Galega, 99-114.

Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel (2007b): “Cara a unha estandarización da onomástica galega”, en David Trotter (ed.), “Actes du XXIVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes. Aberystwyth, 1er–6 août 2004”, vol. 2. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 3-16.

Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel (2007c): “Farruco, Paco, Fran: datos históricos e evolución dos hipocorísticos en Galicia”, Revista Galega de Filoloxía 8, 11-56.

DNG = Ferro Ruibal, Xesús (dir.) / Ana I. Boullón Agrelo / José Mª Lema / Fernando R. Tato Plaza / J. M. García (1992): Diccionario dos nomes galegos. Vigo: Ir Indo.

Lema, Xosé Mª (2006): Onomástica histórica dunha parroquia galega: Berdoias (1607-2000). I. Os nomes masculinos. Santiago de Compostela: Asociación Galega de Onomástica / Instituto da Lingua Galega. [Inclúe un CD-Rom]. Rec.: RIOn 13 (2007), 2, 620-1.

Navaza, Gonzalo (2002): “A galeguización de nomes e apelidos: estado da cuestión”, en Actas dos IV Encontros para a Normalización Lingüística (9 e 10 de Novembro de 2000). Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, [263]-271.

Seixas Subirá, Xaime (1977/19844): 400 nomes galegos pra homes e mulleres. Santiago: SEPT.

Villares Naveira, Luís (2007): “Aspectos legais sobre a imposición e o cambio dos nomes e apelidos”, en Luz Méndez / Gonzalo Navaza (eds.), Actas do I Congreso Internacional de Onomástica “Frei Martín Sarmiento”. Santiago de Compostela, 2, 3 e 4 de setembro de 2002. Santiago de Compostela: Asociación Galega de Onomástica / Instituto da Lingua Galega, 353-361.