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Javier Frieiro Santaya
Graduado en Historia
No 33 (2021): O fenómeno das peregrinacións. Reflexións e prácticas desde unha perspectiva interdisciplinar, Varia
Submitted: 09-09-2021 Accepted: 01-11-2021 Published: 25-03-2022
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This essay attempts at shedding light on the renovation of the Spanish national identity made by the Republicans since they reached power in 1931. We show the replacement of the old, official repertoire of symbols with a new one, which represents and defends republican and democratic values, and the relationships with the republican allies and their reactionary opposition.In spite of the accidental substitution of symbols (short live of the regime, conciliation with the symbols of the Republican allies, or anti-republican opposition by the right and reactionary traditionalists),the Republican national project that they held must not been seen as a failure.In fact, the civic consciousness which had been growing since the last decade of the 19th century. and which contributed to the coming of Spanish democracy in the 1930s, still persisted and grew in spite of the coup d’état in July 1936, the ensuing civil war and the enduring Francoist Dictatorship.