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Beatrice Borghi
University of Bologna
No 33 (2021): O fenómeno das peregrinacións. Reflexións e prácticas desde unha perspectiva interdisciplinar, Dossier
Submitted: 30-07-2021 Accepted: 26-10-2021 Published: 25-03-2022
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The mobility of pilgrims, crusaders and merchants of the "Middle Ages" helped to collect and disseminate information on environmental and human contexts, but, at the same time, contributed to the construction of a predominant stereotype in Western thought and in the perception the "other" Muslim.The places of the regions crossed were for the pilgrims inseparable areas of the sacredness of the country and represented the border with the human context that belonged to the profane and unfaithful world. The pilgrimages that have come down to us seem to move on two parallel levels: tradition and innovation. From the pilgrimage diaries to the Holy Land at the end of the Middle Ages, representations of Muslims and Islam are presented, identifying the persistence of millenary culture and the changes produced from the true curiosity to know and understand the “other ”.Attention will be paid to the travel diary of Anselmo Adorno (1470-1471).

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