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Pedro Alonso Iglesias
Tomiño (Pontevedra)
David Martínez Lago
Covas, Ferrol (A Coruña)
Miguel Hevia Barcón
Cariño (A Coruña)
No 19 (2023): Recursos Rurais, Original articles, pages 67-82
Submitted: 27-11-2023 Published: 22-12-2023
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This article presents the findings from a recent study that aimed to estimate the number of wolf reproductive packs in northern Galicia. Fieldwork was conducted in 2021 and 2022, updating the census data from prior years (2019 and 2020). These results are then compared to the official wolf census summary provided by the Xunta de Galicia, which covers the years 2021-2022. Analysis of the current study highlights a significant underestimation in the official census results, ranging from 27.7% to 43.4%, in the number of reproductive wolf packs within the approximately 3000 km2 study area. The article provides a critical evaluation of the methodology used in the official census, shedding light on the deficiencies observed in the results.

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